How to properly use the gel to enlarge your penis?

man enlarged penis with gel

Reviews of millions of men say that penis enlargement using gel is real and safe.

However, to achieve a specific goal, it is important to follow certain rules.

Gels for penis enlargement have an effect only with a full course, as well as with proper application and massage.

The latter takes about 10 minutes and is a guarantee that the penis will get bigger.

You can order a penis enlargement gel from a specialized site.

Penis Enlargement Gel - Does it Work or Not?

Most men are wary of penis enlargement gels, pills, and devices. But there are also those who have tested some of the methods in practice. It turned out that only preparations based on natural ingredients give an effect. Getting into the tissues of the genitals, the components actively affect the increase in blood flow to the genitals.

The natural ingredients saturate the tissues with ascorbic acid, which has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin. The use of the gel during the course allows to build and enlarge the penis, as well as to consolidate the obtained result.

How to use the gel correctly?

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special about applying the gel to the penis. In fact, it is not. The method of application, the technique and the duration of the massage have a direct impact on the effectiveness and the final result.

The penis enlargement gel should be applied daily throughout the course. You should massage the genitals for at least 10 minutes. In this business, it's not the speed that counts, but the quality.

The gel is applied exclusively to clean skin. Using your fingertips, begin a gentle massage from the base to the head of the penis. The amount of gel is applied depending on the absorbency of the skin. It is recommended to take a hot shower before the procedure, which will allow you to relax as much as possible.

It should be noted that penis enlargement gel is widely used to improve sensations during sex. The cream is applied 20 minutes before intercourse. The rest of the gel on the surface is used as a lubricant.

Most men claim that applying the gel before intercourse gives confidence, the sensitivity of the glans penis increases and the duration of intercourse increases.