How to increase the length of a member or its width? Some men do not consider their penis size to be ideal and are willing to go to great lengths to increase it. So, is it possible at home?

Right now, there are a lot of men who think their penis size is not enough to satisfy their partner and start to doubt their abilities because of it.
But before you decide that the penis length or width is insufficient, you need to figure out what is the normal size of the penis and what should be its ideal size in the opinion of the girls. There may be no reason to doubt their abilities.
How to enlarge your penis? This can be done at the moment by various methods. These are both surgical and non-surgical methods.
If you want to enlarge your penis at home, you can use a variety of gels and tablets, which are available in large quantities. Be prepared for the fact that such treatment may not bring results.
Expert scientists assure that the positive effect after such remedies is nothing more than self-hypnosis, since the drug does not affect the body in any way and has a placebo effect.
This opinion is difficult to refute, because at the moment there is not a single reliable test that would accurately confirm that the use of these funds really affects the length or the width in any way. of the penis.
It is safe to say that these ointments and tablets do not have a negative effect on the male body, as they almost always contain ginseng, various herbs and yohimbe. Using these funds can strengthen your body, but will not affect the size of the penis.

Another equally common myth is that periodic wearing of any weighting material will help change the size of a man's penis. Doctors are also skeptical of such a remedy, as weighting agents will not bring much results. Such devices are put on the penis and pull it back a little.
Manufacturing companies claim that if you wear a similar attribute every day for 8 hours, you can achieve an increase in the penis of several centimeters. But this method is very doubtful, because in this way you can only stretch the skin, but not the penis itself.
Before embarking on a variety of exercises that seem to affect the length and width of the penis, you need to understand that the penis is not the biceps. It is impossible to inflate it.
Despite this, various training courses continue to gain popularity on the network which seems to help change the size of the penis. For example, one of these complexes is called "jelqing". They say it includes a variety of exercises in Arabic techniques that have come down to us from ancient times.
This home penis enlargement method seems to be one of the most realistic. This is a classic procedure in which a small cylinder is placed over the penis and connected to an air pump.
As a result, a vacuum is formed, which stimulates blood flow to the genitals, in turn it becomes erect and visually, of course, increases.
After the procedure, a small ring is attached to the base of the penis, which prevents the rapid flow of blood. Although this is a popular technique, it cannot be considered safe because:
- premature impotence in the patient is not excluded;
- damage to blood vessels is likely, resulting in bruising;
- damage to the soft tissues is not excluded.
Also, once the ring is removed from the penis, it will be exactly the same size as before.

If all the methods of increasing the length and width of the penis at home, described above, are not considered effective and safe, surgical intervention gives a visible result. But these methods also can not be called absolutely safe for health.
An article was published in the Journal of Urology 10 years ago which stated that the maximum length by which a penis can be enlarged is no more than 3 centimeters. For the moment, men are offered to do one of the two operations.
It is no secret that it is thanks to the presence of small cords that the male penis is attached to the pelvis. These supportive ligaments, firmly attached to the penis, hide part of it deep in the body.
The surgery involves releasing the tension on the ligaments, which is achieved by the fact that they are cut. As a result, after the operation, most of the penis becomes visible. However, there is a risk that in the future the ligaments will start to grow together again.
To avoid this side effect, a man will need to wear special traction equipment on his penis every day for 6 months.
A few years ago, the essence of such a surgical procedure was that the doctors took the fatty tissue from other parts of the patient's body and added it to the genital stem. It made it more massive.
But after a while, the doctors realized that the fatty tissue started to be absorbed in places, and as a result, the penis looked lumpy. After that, they started to do another operation, in which tissue transplanted from a genetically different organism is implanted into the penis, which is used in various types of reconstructive surgery.
Dr J. Rosenthal states that there are no side effects after the operation, as in the previous case. The result is really achieved, and it lasts more than a year. But, unfortunately, no one can 100% guarantee that the donor tissue after transplantation will behave as it should.
Besides these two common methods, there are others. For example, if the patient is very overweight, you can visually increase the size of the penis using liposuction. During the operation, fatty tissue is removed from the base of the penis.

Home enlargement is a very unreliable procedure, as there is no evidence that ointments, pills, or a pump with weighting agents will have a beneficial effect.
Also, if a man tries to change the size of his penis by such means and does not achieve the desired result, he may become depressed, which may even cause the onset of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
And this problem will have to be eliminated with the help of medication. In addition, self-doubt can cause premature ejaculation, which will also negatively affect the quality of your sex life.
The only way to actually increase the length or width of the penis is through surgery. At best any other method will have no effect, at worst it can even hurt you. Before deciding on a procedure, be sure to consult your doctor and weigh the pros and cons.